About Us

How did Rad & Rose Begin?

Rad & Rose is built from a dream, the owner Jans dream of helping women feel beautiful and giving guidance to help them step out of their comfort zone to find their own unique style. 

Managing a hair salon previously for 7 years prior to opening the boutique, she realised that Kalgoorlie was missing something that catered to women and wanted to fill that gap. So then the dream came true, opening Rad & Rose Boutique along with the help of her daughter Nichaela and husband Craig during the 2020 pandemic and offering beautiful clothing to a range of sizes, styles and age groups.

We wanted to provide a place where women can come and dress themselves from top to bottom in a relaxing environment.

Where did the name Rad & Rose come from?

When thinking of names we wanted something to tie us to the business but also having a deeper meaning. Rad is from Radka, Jans maiden name and Rose is from Mya-Rose her grand daughter. Rad being a little edgy and radical and Rose being feminine and sweet.


What do you see for Rad & Rose for the future?

Hopefully with the success of our online store we can look into expanding to a second location with another brick and mortar store, whilst possibly doing pop up stores to our smaller regional locations outside of Kalgoorlie Boulder.